Author: Pastor Doug


By Pastor Doug in Living Life on September 16, 2019

The Bible says, “It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes understanding to make it strong.” (Proverbs 24:3)  Healthy families are not an accident.  They are the result of wise actions and wise decisions by wise parents.  Some parents do these things more instinctively than do the rest of us.  We have to learn these things as a parent so we can incorporate them into our very life.  Our vision of parenting needs to be rearranged so it reflects what’s really important about parenting.

What is important … let me share the 4 P’S OF PARENTING ON PURPOSE.   #1.  PREPARE YOUR KIDS FOR LIFE! The Bible says that one of the goals for parenting is to prepare your kids for life.  God intends the family to be a learning center for life.  You learn things in your family that you don’t learn anywhere else. You learn life’s basic skills in the family — walk, talk, eat … use a tv remote — all the basic skills of life you learn in the family.  God says we are to prepare our kids for life.

The Bible says this about Jesus in Luke 2:52 “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and with man.”  Circle the four ways Jesus grew.  Those are the same four ways you, as a parent, have to help your children to grow.

First it says Jesus grew in wisdom.  That’s mental or intellectual growth.  He grew in stature.  That’s physical growth.  He grew in favor with God.  Spiritual growth.  He grew in favor with man.  That’s social growth.

That ought to be the goals you have in your family for each of your children, that you help them have balanced growth — mental, physical, spiritual and social.  The Bible is very clear that the primary responsibility of raising children, helping them be prepared for life, is laid at the feet of parents.  It’s your responsibility.  The moment you took part in a conception you got a job description.  You took on a role.

Part of that job description is described in the next verse. Deuteronomy 6:7 “You must teach these commandments to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk, at bedtime and the first thing in the morning.”

This says several things:”You” — this is not talking about the government, a preschool, a grade school, a private school, some club, even the church.  It’s talking about you if you’re a parent.  You are primarily responsible to prepare your kids for life, not some preschool or anybody else.

“Must” — this is not optional.  It’s not, “if you have time for it you must do these things” or “It’s ok whether you do them or not.”  It says “You must…”  It’s not optional.

“You must teach…”  Parents are teaching all the time whether they realize it or not.  If your kids are around you, you’re teaching them sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally.  They’re watching every move.  You’re modeling, exampling, showing how to live.  You are constantly teaching. The only question is, “What are you teaching?”

“You must teach these commandments”  They are commandments, not suggestions.  God didn’t give us ten suggestions.  He said these are commandments you are to do.  As parents there are three areas we especially have to be concerned with in raising kids, helping prepare them for life.  Three things, if you get anything taught, you’ve got to get these down.

  1. Relationships. For better or for worse, your happiness in life is determined by your relationships.  If you know how to relate to people, if you know how to get along with people, you’re probably going to be happy a good percentage of your life.  If you don’t know how to get along, if you don’t know how to relate to people, you’re going to be miserable most of your life.  One of the most important skills the family teaches is how to relate.
  2. Character. Character is formed in the home.  What is character?  Character is the sum total of your choices and your habits.  As you help your kids develop good habits, they develop good character.  If they don’t develop good habits, they’re not going to have good character no matter what you say.  Character is more caught than it is taught. You have to model that.  Character is formed in DISCIPLINE.  Providing consistent boundaries for your child so they develop into people who respect authority because they respect you!  The Bible says, “If you refuse to discipline your children, you really don’t love them.  If you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them.”
  3. Values. What’s really important in life.  Whether you realize it or not, your kids are always picking up values from you, whether you teach them formally or not. They’re picking up, by just watching you, they’re seeing what’s really important in your life.  Values about work, about life, about money, about time, about sex, about other people, about the world, about the future, about what’s really important, about God.  Those values are constantly being communicated and picked up one way or the other.

I know you’ve heard people say, “I’m not going to impose my spiritual values on my kids.  I’m going to let them decide for themselves.”  Baloney!  What that basically says is “God is an option.”  He is not an option.  You are hurting your kids if you say God is an option.  As long as they are under your roof, you have the right to impose on them certain standards.  When they’re out on their own, of course they have to make their own decision.  But if you don’t force your kids to go to church, where do you think they’ll get their values?  At school?  When you say, “I’m not going to impose my values on my kids” what you’re doing is abdicating your authority as a parent.  And you’re abdicating it to the television.  Television is the number one purveyor of values today.  Is that what you want?

The Bible says one day we’re all going to be judged before God and give an account of our lives. I suggest that you Parent on Purpose — be more intentional.  Make a list of the values you think are important, that you value.  Then start intentionally sharing those, making sure those come up in the conversation with your kids.  Don’t just let it go haphazard. Because it’s not true that all you need is love.  You need wisdom.

#2.  PROTECT THEM IN STORMS Change … failure … rejection … hurt … disappointment … tragedy …. One of the parental tasks is protecting kids in storms!  Notice the phrase is protecting kids “in storms” … not protecting your kids “FROM storms.”  We as parents would like to protect our children from all the storms of life.  That just isn’t possible.

Jesus was very honest about life and the reality of storms in life.  He said, “In this world you will have trouble.”(John 16:33)  Life is full of storms.  It breaks our hearts, but our children experience hurt, harsh treatment, rejection, change in the world.  They need a place where they can be loved, valued, affirmed and where they can learn how to deal with the storms of life in a safe environment.

Proverbs 14:26 says, “Reverence for God gives a man deep strength; his children have a place of refuge and security.”  God has intended that the home provide the strength needed to weather the storms.

So how can you protect your kids in storms?

PREPARE THEM FOR THE STORMS!  I already mentioned the Deuteronomy 6 passage.  Talk to kids about everything.  If you want them to talk with you, you will have to have shared your life with them.  Even though you think they are too young.  That’s how they learn how to be an adult.


HEAR: Hear your children!  Listen to them … the more you tell them about your life, the more they will share with you.  Make yourself available to them.  Each kid had a unique time when they were ready to share.  For instance,   You need to make yourself available for when they

HUG THEM … Express affection to them physically.  Every time you do, you communicate that you love them!

HOPE – build the kids up!  Communicate how God has worked in your life and in theirs.  That will assure them that God is in control.  Affirm them.  That makes them strong.  So whatever is going on in your life, be sure you do what it takes to build into your family a shelter in the time of storm.

#3. PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS NOW! God intends families to be a haven for happiness, a format for fun, and a place to party.  A place to kick back, relax, have fun, have a good time.  It ought to be a place of fun.

I have a pet peeve.  A lot of Christians get so serious about the first point I talked about — the learning center thing.  They want to get the values right, the character right, the relationships right. They’re so up tight, afraid they’re going to make some mistake.  God’s word to you today is this:  Lighten up! You’re coming on a little bit heavy.

A family that prays together, stays together.  Also, the family that plays together, stays together.

“Children are a gift  from God.”  Gifts are meant to be enjoyed not just endured.  A lot of parents endure their kids; they don’t enjoy them.  But gifts are meant to be enjoyed, not just endured.  Deuteronomy 16 says “Celebrate with your whole family.”  Party down.  Have a good time.  Do some fun stuff. Ecclesiastes 11:8 However years a man may live, let him enjoy them all!  If you wait until all your problems are gone to start enjoying life, you’ll never enjoy life.  You’ve got to enjoy it while you’re having problems.  The truth is kids are inherently funny.

The fact is, your kids aren’t going to be with you forever. Parenting is just a season of life.  You better enjoy it while you’ve got it.  Someday things are going to be a whole lot different.  The kitchen will be incredibly neat.  The sink will stay free of sticky dishes. Someday when the kids are grown up, the instrument called the TV will be available to adults. Someday when the kids are grown I’ll actually be able to see through car windows.  Fingerprints, tongue licks, sneaker foot prints, dog tracks will be conspicuous by their absence. Someday when the kids are grown we’ll return to normal conversation.  `Gross’ won’t punctuate every sentence seven times.  `Yuk’ will not be heard.  `Hurry up, I gotta go!’ will not be accompanied by banging fists on the bathroom door. Someday when the kids are grown, things will be a lot different.  In fact, the entire house will be quiet and calm and filled with memories.  And lonely and we won’t like it.  And we’ll spend our time not looking forward to someday but looking back to yesterday and thinking `Maybe we can baby sit the grandkids and get some life back in this old place for a while.’

If your home isn’t fun while your kids are growing up, don’t be surprised if they don’t come back often when they’re grown.  Why should they?

So how do you evaluate yourself on this one?  How often do you party at your house?  Do you enjoy your kids or just endure them? Do you actually plan fun times or are you so busy that you don’t have time for any fun?

You need to prepare your kids for life, protect your kids in storms, play with your kids for fun and one other.

 #4.  POINT THEM TO GOD .  This was always the most important part of raising kids for me.  I could make a lot of mistakes, but if I failed to help them know God, who was going to be able to help them through all of life, I would have really failed.

Ephesians 6:4 says “Fathers, bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord.”  The most important lesson that we teach our kids is to know and love God.  If I had one goal for my kids, it was that they would never reject God.   Chris was afraid that because I was a pastor, my kids would be at risk.  She had never know a pastor’s kids who had a relationship with God when it was all said and done.

I know now that the parents who fail in this area fail because they themselves don’t know God very well.  Kids can’t be fooled.  If you don’t have a daily relationship with Jesus Christ, then you can’t give it to your kids.  Kids know authenticity.  If you tell your kids to pray about something and they don’t see you do it or they never hear of experiences you have had they won’t either.

Point them to God.  Have a spiritual life. Children also need to be around other Christian adults.  They need to have adult Christian influence.    That’s where church comes into play … and Christian friends come into play. We built this into our family life – and it isn’t because I’m a pastor.  Church should not be an option.  Kids don’t have an option to be educated.  Spiritual things are more important than education!

Pointing our kids to God is the most important thing we can do for them.

The bottom line is healthy families are not an accident.  They are intentionally built by wise parents who do wise things.  Prepare their kids for life.  Protect them in storms, play with them now and point them to God.

In other words … the key to Parenting on Purpose is truly to become more like Jesus!

It starts with a commitment.  Several thousand years ago, a guy named Joshua stood in front of an entire nation and he said, “Choose this day what you’re going to do.  But as for me and my house, we’re going to serve the Lord.”  Parents — moms, dads — have you said that about your family? — As for me and my house, we’re going to serve the Lord. He wasn’t out to win a popularity contest.  He wasn’t out to be Mr. Cool.  He just said, “We’re going to do the right thing.  For me and my house, we’re going to serve the Lord.”

If you want a healthy family, you need to make that kind of commitment.  You commit your own life to Jesus Christ and say, “Jesus, I need Your help in all my life — not just parenting. You be my savior.”  Then you say, “I commit my family.  I dedicate my family to you.  They’re gifts are from You.  I dedicate them back to You — my spouse, my children.”  Then you dedicate yourself to becoming a wise parent.  You say, “I don’t think I’ve very wise.  I need to develop the wisdom you need to do the right thing, to be the kind of parent that produces those kinds of kids and builds a healthy family.”  It’s important.  It’s more important than your job.



By Pastor Doug in History on May 31, 2017

Reflections on 2004 – 2006 and Beyond

I am from a broken home.  Divorce in the 60’s wasn’t as commonplace as it is today and as a kid and a teenager I walked around feeling inferior and disqualified … from honor, respect, hope.  I married a respectable woman who lived in a respectable family.  I wanted to absorb some of their respectability.  I became a Christian and experienced love and grace for the first time in my life.  Not too long afterwards, I sensed a call into the ministry and began the long road to realizing a dream.  With two kids Chris and I moved to Winfield, Kansas and went to Junior College – along the way having two children.  Then to Fort Wayne, Indiana for Senior College … graduating with a bachelor’s degree and a pre-ministerial degree.  Pretty respectable, don’t you think?  Then on to 4 more years of Seminary in St. Louis.  I was declared qualified to be a pastor.  So 6 years as an Associate Pastor in Waterloo, Ia and three more children.  6 years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a Senior Pastor.  I earned my doctorate of ministry during those years.  Then moving to Spokane to assume the job of Senior Pastor some 20 years ago today!  I experienced the success of building churches and serving as pastor for twenty years.  Respectability abounds.  Successful pastor.  Successful family.  Anyone looking from the outside with say without question … qualified for honor, respect, hope.

But I dragged that disqualified teenager estranged from his father through my whole life.  Understanding the theory of grace but not owning it.  I fell!  It’s an interesting term we use for Pastors failing … they fell!  Fell from the pedestal?  We respectably call it “moral failure” in the church.  It was discovered by the elders in my church at Southside Christian Church … and my world fell apart – publicly.  Disqualified!  Lost my job.  Lost my dignity.  Lost respect.  Public humiliation.  Not to mention having to look my wife in the face and admit the utter failure I was.  Not to mention having to look my children in the face and confess that the image they had of their father wasn’t quite accurate.  He is way more flawed than they imagined.  Disqualified … to be a husband, to be a father, to be a grandfather, to be a pastor.  DISQUALIFIED!

The word on the street was that I would move … run and hide.  That’s what most pastors do when this happens.  But I was bothered by something.  In my brokenness … brokenness that I can’t even describe; in my shame … shame I can’t even describe; in my self-loathing … so deep there are no words to describe … I saw something different in the Word of God.

David in the Old Testament became my best friend.  The King of Israel … placed there by God and he committed adultery.  Then he went one step further and committed murder to cover up the sin.  And yet … in the end, the Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart.  Somehow David’s sin didn’t disqualify him from a redeemed future.

The Prodigal Son became a focus for me.  A son who was so self –centered that he wanted the Father’s inheritance before the Father had even died.  He took the money and then squandered it on loose living.  He blew it in so many ways that surely he was disqualified from honor, respect and hope.

But as you read the story, the emphasis is not on the sinfulness of the son but on the generosity of the Father. The son found himself penniless and friendless.  He found himself at the bottom.  He longed for forgiveness.  He longed to be received back by the Father. The son had his speech carefully rehearsed. It was an elegant, polished statement of sorrow. But the old man didn’t let him finish. The son had barely arrived on the scene when suddenly, a fine new robe was thrown over his shoulders. He hears music, the fatted calf is being carried into the parlor, and he didn’t even have a chance to say to his father, “I’m sorry.”

The witness of the Word of God is that God wants us back even more than we could possibly want to be back. We don’t have to go into great detail about our sorrow All we have to do, the parable says, is appear on the scene, and before we get a chance to run away again, the Father grabs us and pulls us into the banquet so we can’t get away

Then again, there is a fascinating passage in chapter 8 of John’s Gospel about the woman caught in sin. Remember how the crowd dragged her before Jesus and asked, “What do we do about her? She was caught in adultery. Moses says we should stone her but the Romans won’t let us stone people. What do you think?”

Jesus ignores them and begins to write in the sand. Then he looks up and says, “Well, let the one here who hasn’t committed any sin throw the first rock.” One by one they drift away. Then Jesus says to the woman: “Is there no one here to condemn you?” She says, “No one, Lord.” He says “Okay, go, and don’t commit this sin anymore.”

Now, get the picture. Jesus didn’t ask her if she was sorry.  He didn’t demand a firm purpose of amendment. He didn’t seem too concerned that she might dash back into the arms of her lover. She just stood there and Jesus gave her absolution before she asked for it.

The nature of God’s love for us is outrageous. Why doesn’t this God of ours display some taste and discretion in dealing with us? Why doesn’t He show more restraint? To be blunt about it, couldn’t God arrange to have a little more dig­nity? Wow!

Now, if we were in His position, we’d know perfectly well how to behave. That prodigal son would have recited his speech down to the very last word. And when he got finished we would have said, “DISQUALIFIED!  You go away, prodigal son, and I’ll think about this a couple of weeks. Then you’ll be informed by parcel post whether I’ve decided to let you back on the farm or not.”

I don’t think anyone reading this would have approved of throwing rocks at the poor woman in adultery, but we would have made sure she presented a detailed act of contrition and was firm in her purpose of amendment. Because if we let her off without saying she was sorry, wouldn’t she be back into adultery before sunset?

But God doesn’t act that way.  He gives us what we need … not what we deserve.  He is a God of second chances.  He’s a God that, when we run to Him, he throws His arms around us and offers us forgiveness, hope and a future!  What the world says is Disqualified, he qualifies as worthy of honor, respect and hope.

My wife responded to my failure with Godly grace and forgiveness.  Each one of my kids responded to my failure with Godly grace and forgiveness.  They all didn’t disqualify me … even though I had disqualified myself.

Many Church folk didn’t however.  To many I am disqualified from ever ministering again.  Chris and I went to San Diego for intensive counseling to try and discover what drove me to act in a way that was so foreign to who I wanted to be and professed to be. While there, the counselors extended me a wonderful piece of Grace.  After hearing the details of my call into ministry, they responded by saying “what you have done doesn’t DISQUALIFY you from ministry in the future.

But many church folk had declared me DISQUALIFIED.  And I was confused because the church I read about in the Bible is a place where we do life together … and it isn’t all victories.  There are defeats.  The church is a place of forgiveness because their God is a God of forgiveness. The church is filled with people who say they believe that “all sin and fall short of the glory of God,” but somehow we have trouble accepting the fact that it’s really true.  And it leads people to hide.  Hide the fact that they yell ferociously at their kids day in and day out.  Hide the fact that they are struggling in their job and may lose it.  Hide the fact that they have temptations that sometime overwhelm them.  Hide the fact that, even though things appear to be great on the outside, there is a deep emptiness on the inside.  Hide the fact that they are less than honest and cordial at work.

And Dietrich Bonhoeffer sums it up best when he says this:

“He who is alone with his sins is utterly alone. It may be that Christians, not withstanding corporate worship, common prayer, and all their fellowship in service, may still be left to their loneliness. The final breakthrough to fellowship does not occur because, though they have fellowship with one another as believers and as devout people, they do not have fellowship as the undevout, as sinners. The pious fellowship permits no one to be a sinner. So everyone must conceal his sin from himself and from their fellowship. We dare not be sinners. Many Christians are unthinkably horrified when a real sinner is suddenly discovered among the righteous. So we remain alone with our sin, living in lies and hypocrisy. The fact is that we are sinners!

We all have shadows and skeletons in our backgrounds. I did.  But after months and months of quiet solitude and immersion in the word, I discovered there is something bigger in this world than we are and that something bigger is full of grace and mercy, patience and ingenuity. The moment the focus of your life shifts from your badness to his goodness and the question becomes not `What have I done?’ but `What can he do?’ release from remorse can happen; miracle of miracles, you can forgive yourself because you are forgiven, accept yourself because you are accepted, and begin to start building up the very places you once tore down. There is grace to help in every time of trouble. That grace is the secret to being able to forgive ourselves. Trust it.”

That revelation transformed my life and birthed a dream to embark on a grand experiment.  Could there be a church that exists where grace is more than a word, it’s a lifestyle?  Could a church really exist that receives the grace of God through Jesus Christ but also lives it?

Beyond Grace Fellowship became that experiment!